Skin Care Clinic

As dermatologists, we know that the early detection of skin cancer by routine skin examinations is crucial for successful treatment, In addition to regular screenings, you should also see a dermatologist if you notice a change in the shape, size, or coloring of any of your moles. A dermatologist can remove some or all of the suspicious tissue and examine it under a microscope to check for cancerous cells. Dermatologists also see people who are being treated for other cancers and experiencing skin side effects due to their medication. For simple skin conditions like warts, mild acne, minor rashes, rosacea, bug bites, athlete’s foot, simple cysts, and dandruff, as well as mild, benign lesions, you can visit your primary care doctor. However, if the problem persists after your treatments, then the only other course of action is to see a dermatologist. Although primary care doctors are trained to treat mild skin conditions, you should still know when to see one or if it’s time to see a dermatologist. Here are some scenarios when you need to see a skin doctor right away.


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  • Skin Care Clinic in Govind Nagar
Tags:   #Skin Care Clinic in Govind Nagar,  #Skin Care Clinic in Hastinapur Vistar,  #Skin Care Clinic in Jaipur,  #Skin Care Clinic in Vaishali Nagar

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